First Classics Club Spin of 2014

It’s time for another Classics Club Spin!

Next Monday the Classics Club moderators will chose a number from 1-20 and participants will have until April 2nd to read the corresponding number from their list.

Here’s my list:

  1. Sense and Sensibility, Austen, 1811
  2. Pride and Prejudice, Austen, 1813
  3. Wuthering Heights, Bronte, 1847
  4. The House of the Seven Gables, Hawthorne, 1851
  5. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, Twain, 1889
  6. The Country of the Pointed Firs, Jewett, 1896
  7. So Big, Ferber, 1924
  8. Mrs. Dalloway, Woolf, 1925
  9. To the Lighthouse, Woolf, 1927
  10. Mary Poppins, Travers, 1934
  11. The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck, 1939
  12. And Then There Were None, Christie, 1939
  13. Hiroshima, Hersey, 1946
  14. The Caine Mutiny, Wouk, 1951
  15. From Here to Eternity, Jones, 1951
  16. The Price of Salt, Highsmith, 1952
  17. Lord of the Flies, Golding, 1954
  18. We Have Always Lived in the Castle, Jackson, 1962
  19. Stoner, Williams, 1965
  20. Suite Francaise, Nemirovsky, 2006 (written in 1930s/40s)

Because I’m also taking the TBR Triple Dog Dare and only reading books I own until April 1st, I’ve chosen books that are already on my shelves (or in my Kobo eReader, as is the case with one of the above).

Have you read any of the above? Any favorites on this list?


  1. I loved To The Lighthouse, although I had to change my approach while reading it. Woolf has an interesting style. And, of course, what can you say about Jane Austen! 🙂 I have Lord of the Flies on my mental re-read list. I hated it in school but I know I didn't really “get it” then and that I'll appreciate it much more as an adult.

    Have a great Spin challenge!

  2. I still haven't finished To The Lighthouse, I could not get into the story.

    And Then There Were None was my first Christie (haven't read anything else yet) but I did enjoy it.

    Hiroshima is one of those heart tugging reads, I read it last year.

  3. I think I was assigned The Lord of the Flies in high school but must have found a “workaround” as I have no memory of it. 🙂 I plan on reading lots of Jane Austen this summer…unless the Spin gets me started sooner!

  4. I really do hope you end up reading To the Lighthouse or Mrs. Dalloway…both are simply masterful and life changing. Good luck and happy reading!

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